Patriot’s Cry for America

Stacy Williams
19 min readApr 10, 2021

There are moments in the course of human history so pivotal that it’s worth risking reputation, livelihood and comfort to speak the truth. This is one of those moments. Millions of Americans (at least 74 million that we know about) voted in the November 2020 election to preserve freedom, uphold the U.S constitution and reject the radical left “woke” society that has invaded American culture. But if you turn on the TV, scroll through social media, or listen to a professor in a lecture hall in almost any university in America you’d never know this. You are made to believe that this group of individuals is a fringe group. Radicals. Brainwashed. Religious fundamentalists. Racists. Dangerous people. These major institutions in America want to make sure you fear this group. The last thing they want is for this group to mobilize and grow. So they persist in their ridicule and shaming, “canceling” anyone with ties to this group. And this group stays silent out of fear and potentially devastating consequences. But silence in the face of tyranny is compliance. Freedom-loving Americans have forfeited major sectors of society with our silence and compliance. This must stop.

The Tipping Point: The Cult of Covid-19

Change rarely happens overnight, and this shift in culture toward a radical left agenda has been slowly happening over the last few decades. The year 2020, for many, was the tipping point. The point in time when they realized just how much society has changed. The eye-opening moment when many parents realized that their own children have been indoctrinated to radical anti-American ideas right under their noses.

In early 2020, the world became aware of Covid-19. A novel virus in the coronavirus family. While exhibiting an overall survival rate of over 99% for most age groups, the virus appeared to be particularly challenging for an elderly population (those over 70 or 80 years old) and some younger people with certain health conditions such as asthma or heart disease. Instead of making provisions to protect those most vulnerable to Covid-19 (for those that wanted to be “protected”) our political leaders, in lockstep with the media and academia, decided to shut down society and quarantine everyone in fear and isolation. This was far beyond government overreach. In many places in America, especially states and cities controlled by Democrat leaders, it was total tyranny. And the worst part is most Americans silently and willingly complied.

· Government told us that we couldn’t work to support our families and most said okay.

· They told us to stop going to church and most said okay.

· They told us to stop seeing our family and friends and celebrating holidays and most said okay.

· They told us we have to put a mask on our face to buy or sell or travel and most said okay.

The worst part of this is not the compliance, although I’ll get to that momentarily. The worst part is that millions of Americans saw no problem with this extreme government overreach and actually thanked the “all-knowing” government for protecting them while their lives were being destroyed. This cult -like worship of the state as our savior and provider was sealed in place by the Covid-19 crisis. What pride and utter foolishness to believe that following government rules could eliminate all risk and therefore all disease and death. Instead, we let them eliminate all the good in life, including the joy, fun, connection, and community.

As a caveat to all of this, I must say that I believe Covid-19 is a real virus. It feels ridiculous to even have to provide this disclaimer, but we are living in ridiculous days. I know people who have died from Covid-19 and it’s heartbreaking. Those who feel that they are at increased risk for this virus, and want to take precautions, should be able to take whatever precautions they feel are necessary for themselves and their own families. This is important. Personal responsibility is the key. Contrary to what the left would like you to believe, it is possible to believe that Covid-19 is real and also to believe that lockdowns and mandatory masks or vaccines should not be forced onto people.

The events of mid-March 2020, and the emergence of what I call the Covid cult, was shocking and unnerving to me. Cults are characterized by extreme devotion to a leader and ideology. Followers believe what the leader says without question and adhere to all the rules that the leader or ideology lies out. Dr. Anthony Fauci emerged as the leader of the Covid cult. Of course, he had millions of adherents who followed his ever-changing rules. Don’t wear masks. Wear masks indoors. Wear masks everywhere. Wear two masks. Wear your mask even after being vaccinated. No rule was too extreme for the true followers.

I’ll never forget the evening of March 15, 2020 when the city of Los Angeles decided to shut down all “non-essential” businesses and later issued a stay-at-home order. Cities and states across the country would follow in the coming days. You may remember the repeated mantra of the necessity to take “two weeks to flatten the curve”. Immediately, the media sprang into action reinforcing our politicians’ directives with messages like “safer at home”, “together apart,” and my personal favorite “we’re doing this for the greater good.” It made me sick to my stomach. Anyone with any historical knowledge would recognize that last phrase from Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. The truth of what our government was trying to do to us was hiding in plain sight. But many were so blinded by their cult-like devotion to Fauci and his Governor minions that they lost their grip on reality.

From day one, I spoke out against these lockdowns and mask mandates to anyone who cared to listen and some who didn’t have a choice but to listen. I kept reiterating that freedom is something you have entirely or not at all. If you give an inch away, you give a mile. It’s all or nothing.

Historically, we have many examples of government overreach and tyranny being masked (no pun intended) initially as the government caring about and protecting its citizens. Citizens are asked to comply as an act of kindness “for the greater the good.” When they don’t comply, they are forced or punished for not obeying. Germany was just trying to protect its citizens from the Jews who couldn’t be trusted. As the Bible says, there is truly nothing new under the sun. Historically any society that has adopted these principles has ended in mass genocide. Power begets power, and once you give away your freedom you often don’t get it back without bloodshed.

Of course, many thought my initial reaction and outright objection to the Covid lockdowns was extreme. It was just two weeks. It was just so the hospitals don’t get overwhelmed. We now know this wasn’t true as we endured a series of increasingly bizarre rules over the coming weeks and months, with absolutely no end in sight. Saying no to lockdowns and mask mandates wasn’t about saying no to protecting those who wanted to be protected. It was about saying no to social conditioning, government propaganda, and overreach. Many wanted to debate the pandemic science. Do masks work? Do lockdowns decrease cases? Is Covid transmitted on surfaces or outdoors? But this misses the point entirely. The only question we should have been asking is, “does the government have the right to dictate these rules in a free country?” And “do they have the right to tell people they have to stay in their homes isolated from others and unable to work and support their family?”

The other thing that bothered me from the beginning of these lockdowns were the parallels that I was seeing between the Covid response and what I witnessed in my travels to Beijing, China in 2006 and 2008.

I remember going to a newsstand in Beijing in September of 2006 and picking up a TIME magazine. It was maybe 10 pages. I had never seen a magazine with so few pages. I found out that this was because the Chinese government censors all media it allows its citizens to read. 10 pages is all that passed through the Chinese government censors. The Chinese government did the same thing with Internet searches too. As anyone with a social media account in 2020 witnessed, government censorship is alive and well in our country now too. Anyone who remotely disagreed with the lockdowns or tried to question the Covid narrative was censored. For example, environmental lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s Instagram account was disabled for questioning the Covid vaccine. We can’t question our dear leaders. They know what is best. The Chinese have of course learned this.

During my time in Beijing, I saw government snitches with notebooks on nearly every corner, taking notes and ready to turn in anyone who didn’t comply. The government would dictate to its citizens where they could work, how many children they could have, and when they could go to work (even license plates one day, odd plates the next). There was a cult-like worship of the state. I went to the Mao Zedong Memorial (their communist leader who died in 1976) and saw people sobbing like he died yesterday. These seemingly irrational behaviors and compliance were commonplace in China. When I started seeing the American government-telling people when they could go to work, when they were allowed to see their families, and snitching on each other for breaking the contradictory “rules”, I realized we were in trouble.

There is great danger in believing that the government knows better than ordinary people about what is best for themselves and their families. The ability for power to corrupt is inherent and reason enough to question governmental leaders and leave important life choices to individual citizens. The government can provide tools and resources in times of struggle, but it should never replace the decision-making ability of individual citizens.

There was also an entire lack of reason and logic surrounding Covid rules under the guise of “science.” These absurd rules included:

· Sitting on the beach in California was unsafe, but walking was safe. It was the opposite on the East Coast.

· It was safe to drink alcohol with a meal, but you couldn’t have alcohol with only appetizers. California even went so far as to tell us exactly what constituted a meal. I guess no buffalo chicken wings or nachos for us.

· It was okay for our leaders to break the rules themselves, of course. The mayor of Chicago needed to get her hair done because she was on TV, and Nancy Pelosi in California was allowed to get hair done indoors, without a mask. However, ordinary citizens were not allowed to do that because they may “kill Grandma” or because it’s “unloving to their neighbors.” Gavin Newsom and his California Medical Association buddies were allowed to go out for a birthday dinner, but other people were accused of being selfish for even considering seeing anyone outside of their households.

· The ultimate hypocrisy happened in early Summer 2020 when cities all across America were destroyed (to the tune of billions of dollars in damages) in Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots. Our leaders praised these “peaceful protesters” while demonizing those that protested lockdown orders. It was okay to leave your house to riot or loot your city, but you would face fines and, in some cases, jail time if you tried to leave your house to work to support your family. And if you tried to question this confusing narrative, you were immediately canceled as being “racist”. This is the left’s favorite way to silence dissent. They also employ gas lighting to make you think you’re crazy. There was an attempt to make people believe that the riots and looting that they saw in many of their very own neighborhoods didn’t really happen.

The left (in conjunction with the media and academia) committed the ultimate manipulation in 2020. They took statistically small problems (like police killings of unarmed black people, the number of transgender hate crimes, and the fatality rate of Covid-19 for example) and used the mainstream media propaganda machine to amplify these problems as a means of dividing society. Meanwhile, they were intentionally ignoring or hiding major issues that we could all see with our own eyes like the massive increase in crime in urban cities in 2020 or the astronomical jump in rates of suicide and depression from extended lockdowns. The average American accepted this official narrative and had no idea the extent to which they were brainwashed and emotionally manipulated.

The cult of Covid-19 hysteria was not about safety or even saving lives. If it were, we would have offered protection to the most vulnerable and encouraged citizens to get healthy and build up their immune system. We would not have destroyed society while simultaneously failing to protect the most vulnerable (hello New York nursing homes). The cult of Covid-19 was always about political power.

This was clearly highlighted in early 2021 in the days after the Biden inauguration. In an about face, The American Medical Association (AMA) conceded that hydroxychloroquine, a treatment for Covid-19 that the mainstream media destroyed after President Trump merely talked about it’s effectiveness, is not dangerous. Articles talking about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine were censored online and doctors in some states were prohibited from prescribing it for much of 2020. Then, after Joe Biden is inaugurated hydroxychloroquine is magically safe again.

Within a week of the Biden Inauguration, cities like Chicago and New York started opening their restaurants and schools and talking about the dangers of the lockdown. Are you kidding me? The millions of us, who talked about these dangers since March 2020, have been shamed, ridiculed and destroyed for our opinions.

Every person in this country should be furious at these politicians who kept their cities locked down to score political points and then suddenly open them once they’ve achieved their political gains. Every person who lost a job or place to live, every person who struggled with increased anxiety and depression, every person who relapsed or committed suicide because of isolation, every elderly person who had to die alone, every missed holiday and birthday party, every precious day, month and now year of life that none of us will ever get back. These politicians should be held responsible for all of it. They destroyed lives so they could gain and retain power, and if you point that out, they try to make you think you’re going crazy-that you imagined it all. We were pawns in their game.

The Problem:

Where do go from here? The reality is that the problems we face extend far beyond Covid-19. As I said, Covid was a tipping point, but this far left agenda has for decades invaded every part of American society including:

Academia- The indoctrination of our educational system starts young and teaches children that capitalism is bad and that socialism or communism is extending kindness to our neighbor. This is totally absent of any historical reality for these statements and is destroying our society. Our children are our future, and if their education is any indication of our future, we are in significant trouble. Children as young as five in public schools across America are being taught that everything in our country is racist. This includes our cops, institutions, and white people. Heck, apparently math and objective academic disciplines are racist too. These little children are being taught that our history is shameful, that they can decide without question what gender they are, and that capitalism is evil. It all sounds too absurd to be true, but it is.

The family unit- The helicopter-parenting trend (everyone gets a trophy) of the past 30 years only furthers the narrative that you need someone to take care of you. And worse than that, you are entitled to it. Is it any wonder then that children, who are catered to since childhood, will grow up realizing that they lack the skill set to take care of themselves and demand that the government takes care of them? We’ve primed them for a socialist or communist society.

We’ve also allowed the education system to undermine the family unit. Schools teach the notion that children know better than their parents through lessons on transgenderism or that children should listen to teachers or the media over their parents because their parents are “racist” or “wrong.” One of the tenants of the BLM movement (a political movement pervasive in public school education) is the destruction of the family unit. The traditional family unit is racist, after all. Didn’t you know that?

Entertainment, Social Media & News Media-I intentionally put all of these groups together because, at this point, there is no objectivity left in news media. It is all entertainment to the masses, sold as information. The left uses these vehicles to create a narrative that doesn’t exist by exaggerating problems and pitting groups against each other. It’s a way of punishing and silencing the majority and controlling them. Anyone who dissents, typically conservatives, are mocked, censored and then cancelled.

Minority groups-The left wants you to believe that minority groups only align themselves with leftist principles. They silence and ridicule conservative minorities, claiming they’ve bought into their oppression and must hate themselves. Freedom-loving Americans come in every race, religion, sexual orientation, age group and socio economic status. Stop letting the left tell you who you are allowed to be and what you are allowed to believe because of the color of your skin.

The American church- Is religion opiates for the masses as Karl Marx said? Religion may be, but a true Christian conversion is evidenced by freedom not suppression. Communism is godlessness and worship of the state as the all-knowing sovereign one, and it’s catching on with record speed in the United States.

You may have heard the phrase “Christian nationalism” popping up in conversations in mainstream media. Christian nationalism is the attempt to co-mingle God and country to the extent that they are equal or intertwined in an idolatrous fashion. Do some people do this? Sure. Do most conservative Christians do this? No. Believing that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values and wanting to return to that is not Christian nationalism. The phrase “Christian Nationalism” is another attempt by the left to silence and cancel conservative Christians by portraying them as a radical, dangerous group. Reject this gross inaccuracy. What I do believe we should be concerned about is the co-mingling of the American church and the BLM movement. The American church, in an effort to be relevant, has latched onto critical race theory and the “social justice gospel,” which infuses leftist ideas with the Bible. There is nothing biblical about the BLM movement, and Christian churches must reject this infiltration.

Social programs for the most vulnerable among usThe left wants you to believe they have a monopoly on kindness and compassion for the poor, the immigrant, the disabled, and those in need. Reject and counteract that lie. Their “kindness” involves throwing billions of tax-payer dollars to government programs that often only make problems worse with their ineffective, inefficient ideas. Look at the one-billion dollars that LA County threw at homelessness only to have it exponentially grow.

Government programs are like medication. They are designed to treat a problem, like drugs treat disease. But much like medication these programs rarely cure the problem. At best, they minimize some of the symptoms. Quite often, however, they cause other problems (side effects) and in the end will only result in dependency on the program (drug) to survive. Politicians in urban communities, in particular, are like pharmaceutical reps walking around trying to sell their programs and policies as the cure for all of society’s problems. They do this knowing that these programs will at best put a band aid on these problems, and at worse create even more problems and dependency on the state, ensuring that they will never be without a job.

It’s a sick game that comes at the expense of people’s lives, fulfillment, and future. You’ll never be happy and fulfilled if you’re simply existing on a government program your entire life. Fulfillment comes from both personal achievement and self-sufficiency. As a society, we absolutely need to provide a safety net for the most vulnerable among us, and there are times in everyone’s life when they need help and should take it. Permanent dependency, however, should not be a way of life for millions of people. Programs should be designed to be temporary and to provide tools that lift individuals out of difficult circumstances, not trap them in a cycle of constant dependency. The Covid-19 lockdowns were a further attempt by politicians to destroy the economy and create more widespread government dependency to advance the need for a socialist agenda. Don’t believe the lie that the government can or should take care of you and your family. Everything the government touches, they make worse.

Political parties — Leftist thought has invaded both mainstream parties — Republican and Democrat. Just look at the controlling Covid-19 policies of some Republican Governors such as Mike DeWine in Ohio. Many Americans believe there is very little difference between most Democrats and Republicans, and they’re right. The left can’t understand the Trump phenomenon, but there are legitimate reasons why many freedom-loving Americans latched onto the Trump campaign. Trump was a political outsider. He was not a solid Republican or Democrat. He didn’t care about pleasing the left or the right. He didn’t need the approval of a political party. He stood on his convictions (whether you agreed with all of them or not) and for the most part, he didn’t back down (although I do believe he allowed too much control to the Covid cult in the end). That said, Trump is the not the leader of freedom-loving Americans, and he shouldn’t be. Any movement based solely on a person will inevitably be flawed and fail as people are inherently flawed. This patriot movement needs to extend far beyond Donald Trump. It must launch a nationwide movement of ideas and return to rational thought and the Judeo-Christian principles that founded this country in the first place.

The Path Forward:

The problem seems so big. The left has effectively infiltrated every major sector in American society. This didn’t happen overnight. It was decades of slow erosion, silence, and compliance. We’re at a critical juncture, standing on the proverbial edge of the cliff. We can either turn around and fight the “woke” mob, or we can let them push us over the edge and lose everything.

Tolerance is not one group of people setting rules that everyone else is forced to follow. The leftist cancel culture is the very antithesis of tolerance for other viewpoints. Freedom-loving Americans have the power to change the current course of our country. No more silent majority. We don’t lack the numbers. We need to find our courage together to reclaim every part of society that has been invaded by what presents itself as the “radical left.”

With all this said, however, all is not lost. There is reason to remain hopeful. You have the power, together with other modern-day Patriots, to change the culture of our country by starting small in your own sphere of influence.

What can we do?

· Start patriot civic groups in your community to foster an open exchange of ideas and find practical ways to positively impact your local community with freedom-loving policies and principles. Invite diverse members to be a part of this group (as long as all will adhere to an open exchange of ideas). We must start on a local level and then grow. Isolation will squash our movement. The politicians who manufactured the Covid-19 hysteria knew this best. It’s why they shut down your churches and locked you in your house, especially during an election year. Use these groups as a way to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who can encourage you and remind you that you are not crazy and alone. These groups should be comprised with people who believe in:

1. Freedom for All

2. Freedom of Speech and Thought

3. Dissent from Tyranny

4. The Value of Hard Work and Self Sufficiency over Dependence and a Victim Mentality

· Start patriot civic groups in underserved or vulnerable communities. You’d be surprised by the amount of support you will find in these neighborhoods. These communities have more interaction with governmental agencies and policies than most communities. And, many people living in these communities have seen first-hand how these programs and politicians have hurt their neighborhoods more than they’ve helped. They want a new path forward for themselves and their families.

There is strength in numbers. We need a really long line of people to effectively hold the line.

You are not alone is feeling like your country is being stolen from you, but you have to believe that there is hope. We can end the silence by joining together, sharing ideas and fighting back, together.

· Refuse to apologize for your race, your religion, or your belief in freedom for all. Don’t apologize for things you didn’t do. These apologies are false and manufactured.

· Stand up to cancel culture. Reject the hypocritical rules and control of the left (rules for thee not for me). Be vocal in your dissent. Speak up when you see people shaming others for not wearing a mask or ridiculing business owners for not following unsubstantiated and overreaching government mandates.

· Start and support non-profits that help vulnerable and underserved communities in a sustainable way. Organizations that teach people how to use resources to lift them out of poverty and not trap them in a cycle of dependency on the government.

· Teach your children to love God and to fight for freedom for all. Teach them resiliency (this means letting them fail or suffer consequences), how to work hard, and how to be self-sufficient. If they know how to take care of themselves, they’ll stop demanding that the government does it for them when they’re older. Children have been the greatest victims in this overtake of America. Just look at today’s college students. Many of them are fully indoctrinated. They hate their country. They hate “white” people. They hate hard work and responsibility (capitalism is evil after all). They think their parents are racist. They believe gender is meaningless. They are depressed and anxious (gee, I wonder why?), and they think they are entitled to the government and rich people (they don’t realize that’s them) taking care of them. These now adult children are simply a product of their education system.

Covid-19 and the shutdown of schools were devastating to the mental and emotional health of children (isolation is after all how we torture people). However, these lockdowns and school closures also allowed many parents, for the first time, to hear (over the computer) the radical views that their children were being taught. This awakening needs to lead and prompt true Patriots to pull their children out of these schools. We must band together with other families to start schools that reflect our values. Whether you have children in the school system or not, you can help others in your community start “patriot schools.” Yes, there are good teachers at many of these public schools, and I know it’s a lot of work to try to figure out (and pay for) education for your children outside the public system. It’s an unfair burden on today’s parents who are already juggling so much. But the alternative is that we lose our nation’s children to a “woke” culture, and eventually we lose what makes our country unique and free. We can no longer blindly support the education system that is crippling our country.

· Finally, support those who are speaking up and standing up to tyranny. Go to their businesses, use their media platforms, subscribe to their blogs, buy their books, share their perspectives online, and attend their churches. Consider what happened to Goya Foods and the “My Pillow Guy” Mike Lindell. They were cancelled for supporting Trump, and then millions of people purchased their items. So much so that they sold out of products. We have the power to launch counter-attacks to this cancel culture.

Now is the time to stand by your values even if it means standing alone, initially. If the silent majority, one person at a time, stops being so silent, we will eventually all find our voice, our tribe, and a collective path forward out of this insanity. Remain hopeful and stand strong. Patriots, it’s time to unite.

Copyright April 2021

